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Glass Ceiling

We have been successful in embracing partnerships, provide joined up services to build cohesion, compliment their services in addition to scaling up the reach and impact. We are registered with regulatory bodies and also work with many organisations including corporate donors & grant making bodies as part of delivering our services. These long terms relationships continue to benefit our communities.



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MK Community Foundation

MK Community Foundation is a leading grant-making charity helping to make Milton Keynes a great place to live and work. Some of our projects have been supported by funding from MK Community Foundation. A case study

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MK Homelessness Partnership

MKHP is a registered charity working with organisations who have committed to work together towards a shared vision of ending homelessness in Milton Keynes. Partners List




NHS Blood & Transplant

NHS BT provide a blood and transplantation service to the NHS, looking after blood donation services in England and transplant services across the UK. for more


Unity Park Station

UPS aims to provide year-round support services to those in need from The Old Bus Station in Milton Keynes through working in partnership with other charities


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Arts & Heritage Alliance

AHA-MK is a forum of organisations that work together to position the arts and heritage sectors as strategic contributors to the community and economy of Milton Keynes. 


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Elevenology is an independent 11+ tuition provider in the UK. Teaching children to be independent thinkers, problem solvers & have self belief!



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MK FoodBank

Established in 2004, MK Food Bank originated at MK Christian Centre in Oldbrook as a direct response to growing food poverty in the area. Now supporting more than 10,000 families a year, across Milton Keynes. read more

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Fund Raising Regulator

Fundraising regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our registration




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MK Act is a charity in Milton Keynes which works with over 100 families’ everyday to help them move on from fear and abuse. for more



Ball Corporation

Ball Corporation is a provider of metal packaging for beverages, foods and household products, and of aerospace and other technologies and services to commercial and governmental customers

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YMCA Milton Keynes

YMCA MK is an independent charity and an approved social housing provider. We affiliate to YMCA England and Wales.




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Veteran Community Network

VCN provides support for veterans, reservists and military families living in MK, through a network of trained veteran peer mentors and partnership working!

    Copyright © 2024 DREAMSAI / All rights reserved. DREAMSAI Milton Keynes is a registered charity in England & Wales no: 1184822



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